
Connecting essential suppliers with their customers.

Why we exist

All three current Group businesses operate, and have core competencies, in specialist distribution markets. As such, our reason to exist as a Group is to add value to supply chains by applying our expertise in connecting suppliers and their customers who otherwise would struggle to connect or would connect in a sub-optimal manner.

  • Working together as one NWF team
  • Being inclusive and supportive
  • Aligning behind one vision for the future of the Group and its businesses
  • Recognising and sharing best practice across the Group
  • Acting with integrity
  • Safety first every time all the time
  • Being open, honest and respectful with all our stakeholders
  • Curious and inquisitive with a thirst for learning that can be applied to the business
  • Constantly growing our understanding of our customers and markets
  • Determination to be the best at what we do
  • Ambitious for continuous improvement
  • Innovative and imaginative
  • Questioning the status quo


What we want to achieve

Innovators in specialist distribution, delivering value sustainably.

What this will mean in practice


Doing it better, easier, faster than the competition; solving customers’ problems; modernising traditional markets; developing new approaches and doing things differently.


Requiring skill and expertise; operating in critical supply chains for customers; service led markets; difficult operations through complexity/regulation; ability to add value above and beyond price competition.


Generating returns for our shareholders and other stakeholders; delivering a high level of service to customers; improving, enhancing and optimising supply chains for our customers.


Long-term partner for stakeholders; reliable, responsible and accountable; aware of our environment and our communities.

Focus on:

The future of our Group

Matt Stanbury joined the Group in January 2024 as Group HR Director. He says: ‘It’s an exciting time to be joining the business, with a refreshed strategy with a strong focus on our people. Our vision is to train and retain the best talent in the market and to create specialist skills delivered through exceptional behaviours, equipping our colleagues to be the best in their area, so that our customers get the elite service they deserve ’.

Matt continued: ‘Recognising our people have a proven track record of excelling in challenging conditions, our focus will be on creating an ‘NWF Group standard’ which our management teams will utilise to equip our colleagues with the best skills to enable them to drive performance and efficiency across the Group. Our newly created values will underpin this element of our people strategy. I believe by building strong foundations in the HR and health and safety functions of the businesses, we make a commitment to our people that we are investing in them and in turn they will amaze our customers!’.

By unifying communication and education and utilising new software systems across all the businesses, the Group’s health and safety performance is yielding results. Matt concludes: ‘This is a great new chapter for the Group and the investment in our people will bring tangible results’.